Activity 5

Complete the sentences with a suitable article.

  1. Are you searching for health club to join so you can get fit?.
  2. Be careful! You could end up choosing wrong club and losing more money than weight.
  3. You may find out too late that you aren’t cut out for health clubs.
  4. Hong Kong fitness experts recommend thoroughly checking out several health clubs before you join one.
  5. First, you need to decide what it is that you want and need in fitness facility, and don't pay for services or facilities that you’ll never see.
  6. If you only want aerobics classes, studio without exercise machines may work for you.
  7. If you're interested in bodybuilding, you'll be happier in a basic gym.
  8. You may want full-service health club; if so make sure it offers lots of activities.
  9. Location is important too so find somewhere near your home, and don’t forget to check out exercise instructors and personal trainers.
  10. They should be qualified in physical education instructors or certified by organization such as the Hong Kong Council on exercise.
  11. Certified instructors have at least some knowledge of anatomy, exercise physiology, injury prevention and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  12. You should evaluate equipment too. Find an experienced gym user to help you make sure fitness machines are modern and in working order.
  13. Try to talk to other members of the club. Ask them what they think advantages and disadvantages are.
  14. Check out locker room, workout room, and shower to make sure that they are all clean.
  15. state of the changing rooms is often a good indication of how well run the club is.